Category: Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck: Understanding the Procedure from Start to Finish

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, flattens and tightens the belly. Tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic body surgeries today. A tummy tuck can really transform your abdomen, so it’s easy to understand why. If you’re considering a tummy tuck, we believe that it’s vitally important that you understand the procedure from start […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on September 11, 2024

I Eat Healthy and Exercise – Why Can’t I Lose Belly Fat?

Losing stubborn belly fat can be a challenging task. For some individuals, hitting the gym and following a strict diet suffices, but for others, a sculpted stomach remains but a dream. So why doesn’t all this hard work always yield the desired results? Below, Dr. Rudy Coscia explains the underlying factors that stand in the […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on April 9, 2024

How Tummy Tuck Repairs Your Post-Pregnancy Midsection

Pregnancy and childbirth can be some of the most rewarding experiences, but they can take a huge toll on the body, especially the midsection. Many find it difficult to return to their pre-pregnancy appearance with just diet and exercise. This is because the abdominal muscles can stretch and become damaged and require surgery to repair. […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on May 15, 2023

Why Winter Is the Best Time for Tummy Tuck

While Dr. Rudy Coscia, a board-certified plastic surgeon with impressive credentials, performs plastic surgery year-round, patients often ask when the ideal time to schedule a specific procedure is. For abdominoplasty (aka tummy tuck), Dr. Coscia and his staff strongly suggest the winter months. In this blog, he explains why he recommends that you give yourself […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on October 17, 2022

Can You Exercise Loose Skin Away?

As you come to the end of your weight loss journey, you may notice a significant amount of loose skin on your body. Although your first instinct may be to continue dieting and exercising until that skin goes away, that is unlikely to produce results. Dr. Rudy Coscia explains why healthy habits are not enough […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on December 20, 2021

Abdominal Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

A flat, toned-looking stomach is an extremely appealing attribute. But many of us struggle to achieve our desired abdominal contours, despite eating healthy foods and working out consistently. If you are concerned about a flabby or saggy midsection, you have several treatment options, including abdominal liposuction and tummy tuck. Read on as Dr. Rudy Coscia […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on July 21, 2021

Tummy Tuck Recovery: What To Expect

Naturally, every patient wants to bounce back quickly after tummy tuck and resume their normal day-to-day routine. But tummy tuck is a major operation that requires a few weeks of recovery. Rushing recovery and being active too soon after surgery can have serious consequences. If you are planning tummy tuck, it is essential you understand […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on December 16, 2020

What Tummy Tuck Can (and Can’t) Accomplish

If you have gotten down to your goal weight, work out regularly and eat a clean diet, yet do not see the slim, sleek abdomen you desire, you might be a good candidate for surgical improvement with Dr. Rudy Coscia. The Sacramento plastic surgeon offers different options to target your stomach, including tummy tuck. In […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on January 3, 2020

How Can I Get Rid of Excess Skin After Weight Loss?

If you’ve recently lost a large amount of weight, congratulations! It’s no small feat to lose weight, so you should give yourself a major pat on the back. However, with significant weight loss comes the possibility for excess skin. This usually happens when the skin doesn’t “snap back” or can’t quite keep up with the […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on May 10, 2019

What is the Downtime for a Tummy Tuck?

Are you interested in undergoing a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery – but nervous that there will be too much downtime involved? Let’s take a closer look at how much time you’ll need to take off after your tummy tuck surgery, including what you should do to have a successful recovery. The Downtime for a Tummy […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on December 20, 2018