Category: Facial Fat Grafting

Soften Wrinkles and Lines with Facial Fat Grafting

Aging skin is a natural, often unpleasant, process. If you find yourself noticing more and more wrinkles over time, you have options for safe and effective skin rejuvenation. Dr. Coscia offers facial fat grafting to smooth out unflattering creases in the skin. Explore this cosmetic option below: What is Facial Fat Grafting? Facial fat grafting […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on January 10, 2024

Reversing Signs of Aging With Facial Fat Grafting

The conversation around facial anti-aging often revolves around reducing wrinkles and tightening loose skin. But addressing volume loss is just as important to revitalizing an aging face. Dermal fillers are a popular way to restore volume and suppleness; however, facial fat grafting offers benefits above and beyond what fillers can provide. Facial fat grafting transfers […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on July 13, 2020

What Is the Recovery Time For Facial Fat Injections?

If you’re interested in achieving a truly youthful appearance, it’s not enough to focus on minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Any glance at a teenager or person in their early twenties will show that youthful faces have a certain type of roundness to them.  Rather than hollowed-out cheeks or sagging skin, they […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on June 3, 2017

How Long Will Swelling From Fat Grafting Last?

Facial fat grafting is quickly becoming one of the most popular treatments at plastic surgery practices across the country.  This procedure involves harvesting fat from another part of the body – typically the thighs or stomach – and re-injecting that fat into key parts of the face.  This procedure is done to naturally enhance facial […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on June 15, 2016