If you’re interested in undergoing a breast lift procedure, it’s likely you want to restore your breasts’ youthfulness and perkiness. A breast lift procedure is performed in order to address drooping and sagging that may have occurred as a result of aging, breastfeeding, or weight loss. The procedure corrects drooping by removing excess skin and fat, and repositioning the nipple for a more youthful appearance.

After learning about how a breast lift is performed, many candidates ask the following question: “Will a breast lift make my chest look smaller?”

Will Your Chest Look Smaller After a Breast Lift?

The breast lift procedure doesn’t aim to create smaller breasts; however, because the procedure removes excess fat and skin that exacerbate drooping, some patients do note that their breasts appear slightly smaller once the procedure has finished.

Ideal candidates for the breast lift procedure should focus more on improving the appearance of drooping breasts, as it’s not designed to add volume or size. However, for patients who want to correct breast drooping and add volume, they can combine their breast lift with a breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Lift With a Breast Augmentation

A breast lift can be performed with a breast augmentation procedure, which is ideal for candidates who want both perkier and larger breasts. During the combined procedure, your plastic surgeon will place your implant, remove excess skin, and reposition fat to help create the most natural-looking breasts possible. As the last step, your plastic surgeon will reposition the nipples to resemble a more youthful appearance.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about the breast lift procedure? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia at his new plastic surgery practice in Granite Bay, CA.

Dr. Coscia’s practices also serve Coeur d’Alene and the Sacramento metro area. Granite Bay (916) 773-5559 and Sacramento (916) 929-1833

Posted Under: Breast Lift