Although some people envision exaggeratedly large breasts when they think of breast augmentation, the truth is that most patients prefer a look that is more realistic. If you are interested in enlarging your breasts but are worried that they will not look or feel natural, then Dr. Rudy Coscia, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Sacramento, is a great choice to achieve your desired results. He is skilled at enhancing your body without creating an artificial appearance. Here’s what you should know:

Breasts That Look Natural

The best way to have a realistic-looking augmentation is by choosing modestly sized breast implants. If your breasts look significantly too large for your body, that’s when acquaintances may start to suspect cosmetic surgery. Larger implants are great if you want obvious enhancement, but maintaining normal proportions is your ticket to having natural-looking results.

Another factor that can help is the shape of your implants. While most breast augmentation surgeries are performed with round implants, gummy bear implants (aka teardrop implants) have grown in popularity in the past decade. These implants are silicone and give your breasts a sloping shape that looks more youthful and natural.

Breasts That Feel Natural

If you are most concerned with how your breast augmentation will feel, your top priority in choosing breast implants should be the texture. Most patients report that silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue inside their body than saline implants. The same is true for anyone who may touch your breasts: silicone implants will feel more natural than saline varieties. Therefore, women with silicone implants are more likely to forget they have had breast augmentation.

Breasts That Have Natural Materials

While the risk of having an implant break is very low, it is common to have concerns about implant rupture. If safety is your top priority, you may want to consider saline implants instead. The sterile saltwater at the center of saline implants does not pose any health risks to your body — if the implant ruptures, this saltwater is easily expelled from your body. On the other hand, a ruptured silicone implant should be removed as soon as the problem is discovered.

Make a Decision That Feels Best for You

Every breast augmentation that Dr. Coscia performs is customized to the requests of that patient. Ultimately, your definition of “natural” may be quite different from another patient’s definition, and that is perfectly okay. Dr. Coscia’s goal is to help you attain breasts that make you look and feel your best. During the consultation phase, he discusses the pros and cons of all your options so that you can make a choice that gives you joy and confidence. To schedule a consultation, please call 916-773-5559 (Granite Bay) or 916-929-1833 (Sacramento), or book one directly online.

Posted Under: Breast Augmentation