How Long is the Recovery From a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty – also referred to as a nose job – is a surgical procedure that’s performed in order to give patients more confidence about their facial appearance. From creating facial symmetry to correcting past injuries, a rhinoplasty procedure can do a lot; that’s precisely why it remains one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on January 23, 2019

Tip Rhinoplasty: What Is The Procedure?

Rhinoplasty has always been a popular cosmetic surgery; in fact, over 250,000 nose-reshaping surgeries are performed each and every year.  During a normal rhinoplasty procedure, the plastic surgeon may address the shape of multiple areas of the nose, including the bridge, tip, and radix. But what happens when you’re only concerned with how the tip […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on August 16, 2016