How Long Will Swelling From Fat Grafting Last?

Facial fat grafting is quickly becoming one of the most popular treatments at plastic surgery practices across the country.  This procedure involves harvesting fat from another part of the body – typically the thighs or stomach – and re-injecting that fat into key parts of the face.  This procedure is done to naturally enhance facial […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on June 15, 2016

How Do I Sleep After a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a great way to achieve your pre-baby body.  This procedure – which actually combines multiple procedures into one treatment – tightens and strengthens the stomach, lifts and enhances the breasts, and removes any excess skin on the abdomen.  Mommy Makeovers can also be customized to a patient’s exact liking, with many […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on May 25, 2016