Are you struggling to get rid of your man boobs, even though you feel like you’re constantly exercising? Then it may be time to check out gynecomastia surgerythe most effective treatment for getting rid of the kind of glandular tissue that contributes to man boobs.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure that’s performed on men who have excess breast tissue. This surgery is typically performed with the following steps:

  1. Your plastic surgeon manually removes glandular breast tissue from your chest, and;
  2. Excess fat will be liposuctioned in order to show off your new results.

Additionally, your plastic surgeon may reposition your chest muscles to help create a more masculine appearance.

Most patients can expect to take at least one week off to recover, with final results visible about four to six weeks after the procedure. Keep in mind that you’ll need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to prevent gaining fat in the chest area.

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Am I a Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Interested in undergoing gynecomastia surgery, but not sure if you’re a good candidate for this procedure?

While every patient is different, the best candidates for gynecomastia surgery are healthy nonsmokers or at least willing to stop smoking for at least six weeks before the procedure date. Additionally, gynecomastia surgery candidates:

  • Have “man boobs” that make them feel self-conscious about their appearance
  • Follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen, but haven’t seen results
  • Are willing to follow their plastic surgeon’s recovery plan
  • 18 or older
  • Have an excellent medical history and don’t take blood-thinning medications

The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery is to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia. Dr. Coscia will work with you to understand your needs, as well as discuss if you’re ready for this procedure.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how gynecomastia surgery can help get rid of your man boobs? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia at his new plastic surgery practice in Granite Bay, CA.

Posted Under: Gynecomastia