If you’re experiencing hair loss or noticing that your hairline is beginning to recede, don’t resign yourself to baldness. The NeoGraft Hair Transplant represents a brand-new approach to hair regrowth and restoration, as it can help you restore your natural hairline without obvious-looking plugs or blatant surgery scars.

But whether you’re just starting to think about hair transplant surgery or you’ve been considering it for a long time, you might be asking yourself: Am I a candidate for a NeoGraft Hair Transplant?

Ideal Candidates for NeoGraft Hair Transplant

The best candidates for NeoGraft Hair Transplantation are men and women who have begun to notice a receding hairline, or they’ve already started to experience significant hair loss. NeoGraft was designed to treat the front of the scalp, so if you’re seeing hair loss around your forehead, you’re likely a good candidate.

You should also have enough hair in the back of your scalp to undergo this procedure, as donor hairs will be removed from there and placed along your natural hairline.

Like with all procedures, you should be a healthy candidate with realistic expectations for the outcome of your treatment.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant Consultations Available

How Does the NeoGraft Treatment Work?

The NeoGraft treatment uses special technology to quickly and painlessly remove follicles from the back of the scalp. Once these hairs are harvested, the NeoGraft device quickly implants them along the patient’s previous hairline, thus helping to stimulate new follicle growth.

Patients should expect the transplanted hair to fall out after a couple of weeks and to see renewed hair growth about four to six weeks afterward. Once that hair grows back, it’s yours – you can shower, swim, and even pull on your hair without worrying that your follicles will fall back out.

Take the Next Step

Want to see if you’re a good candidate for a NeoGraft Hair Transplant? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia at his new plastic surgery practice in Granite Bay, CA.

Dr. Coscia’s practices also serve Coeur d’Alene and the Sacramento metro area. Granite Bay (916) 773-5559 and Sacramento (916) 929-1833

Posted Under: NeoGraft Hair Transplant