How-Do-I-Sleep-After-a-Mommy-Makeover-Dr-Rudy-CosciaA Mommy Makeover is a great way to achieve your pre-baby body.  This procedure – which actually combines multiple procedures into one treatment – tightens and strengthens the stomach, lifts and enhances the breasts, and removes any excess skin on the abdomen.  Mommy Makeovers can also be customized to a patient’s exact liking, with many women also opting to undergo liposuction, skin tightening, and even facial rejuvenation.

Yet with so many procedures being performed on your body, it’s safe to say that the first couple of weeks after the Mommy Makeover will be spent in some discomfort.  So what’s the best way to sleep after a Mommy Makeover?

  • Sleep in a “V”: Relieving tension in surgical areas is key to a comfortable night of sleep.  Many patients prefer to sleep in a recliner the first few nights after surgery.  After the initial few nights, it is good to sleep with your head elevated on a few pillows and a pillow or two under your knees.  This provides optimal comfort in the areas that were just operated on.
  • Break out those pregnancy pillows: Remember those pillows you placed along your sides and back?  Bring them back – because holding a pillow and placing one behind your back offers you the comfort and support you need to sleep.
  • Get gentle exercise: While it’s not recommended you undergo strenuous exercise in the weeks following your Mommy Makeover, going for walks during the afternoon can help you become sleepy by the time you’re ready for bed.

Want to know more about how you can take care of yourself after a Mommy Makeover?  Schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia at one of his three practices in Sacramento, Granite Bay, and Coeur d’Alene.  Dr. Coscia can walk you through the Mommy Makeover procedure, as well as provide you tips on how to relax and sleep in the weeks after the treatment.

Sacramento 916-929-1833 & Granite Bay 916-773-5559

Posted Under: Facial Rejuvenation, Mommy Makeover