1. Are you finished having children?

Dr. Coscia recommends delaying mommy makeover until you are reasonably sure you are finished having children. Mommy makeover does not affect the ability to get pregnant or carry a healthy baby to term, but having children after mommy makeover can “undo” some of the benefits of surgery. For lasting results, it is wise to postpone mommy makeover until you and your partner are happy with the size of your family.

2. Do you have a plan for your recovery?

Another factor to think about when planning mommy makeover is when you will have help with your children, household and, if you have them, pets or elderly parents that require your care. Although you will be up and walking shortly after surgery, your energy levels will be low and your range of motion will be limited for a few weeks. You cannot do any heavy lifting, including lifting your children or pets, during your initial recovery period. It will be hard to rest and relax, especially if you are used to being busy, but your body needs a chance to heal.

Dr. Coscia strongly recommends planning to have mommy makeover when your significant other can take some time off from work to help you around the house or when you can recruit another family member or friend to stay with you as you recuperate.

3. Have you chosen the best mommy makeover surgeon?

Your safety and satisfaction hinges on the surgeon performing the operation. Ask yourself whether you have thoroughly researched your plastic surgeon and how much you know about his or her mommy makeover experience. Recall how you felt in your consultation with the surgeon. Did he or she listen to your treatment goals and explain your options clearly and patiently? Did you look through before-and-after photographs of former patients to get an idea of the surgeon’s typical results, and read testimonials or reviews? If you do not feel completely confident in your choice of surgeon, postpone your surgery and keep looking.

Request a Mommy Makeover Consultation With Dr. Coscia

To meet Dr. Coscia and learn more about his approach to mommy makeover, please contact our practice and request a consultation.

Posted Under: Mommy Makeover